
We present a new method, exact in α^{'}, to explicitly compute string tree-level amplitudes involving one massive state and any number of massless ones. This construction relies on the so-called twisted heterotic string, which admits only gauge multiplets, a gravitational multiplet, and a single massive supermultiplet in its spectrum. In this simplified model, we determine the moduli-space integrand of all amplitudes with one massive state using Berends-Giele currents of the gauge multiplet. These integrands are then straightforwardly mapped to gravitational amplitudes in the twisted heterotic string and to the corresponding massive amplitudes of the conventional type-I and type-II superstrings.


  • Introduction.—The historical origin and the discovery of key features of string theory can be attributed to the study of its scattering amplitudes

  • Computations and structural properties of string amplitudes rely on exactly solvable correlation functions of vertex operators in a two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT)

  • Tree-level amplitudes of n massless states of the open superstring [8,9] and the open bosonic string [10,11] can be factorized into scalar integrals over moduli spaces of punctured disk worldsheets and quantum field theory (QFT) building blocks carrying all the dependence on the external polarizations

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Vertex operators

VL⊗R 1⁄4 V L ⊗ VReik·X; ð1Þ where the polarization data factorizes into holomorphic and antiholomorphic pieces, respectively, VR and V L. The massive states can be viewed as a double copy of a tachyon, V T 1⁄4 1, with the first mass level of the open superstring [30] This construction hinges on the twisted level-matching condition. The conventional and twisted string amplitudes, respectively, Mþ and M−, only differ in the Koba-Nielsen factor (3) and can be cast as MÆð1;. Both explicitly factorize the main quantities of interest here: the chiral correlators IR (I L). Field-theory perspective.—We here translate the threepoint amplitudes M− of one massive vertex (5) and two gauge multiplets into the corresponding QFT Feynman vertices. Lagrangian of 10D N 1⁄4 1 SYM, and the combined Feynman rules suffice to determine the chiral correlators IR for one massive state and any number of massless ones

Three-point amplitudes
All-multiplicity single-trace computation
Cohomology decomposition
The supersymmetric chiral correlator
Implications for other twisted heterotic string amplitudes
Implications for type-I superstrings
Implications for type-II superstrings
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