
10 In many applications it is necessary to detennine coupling from a line current source to a nearby wire. Applications include current coupling in highrspeed interconnects and wire interaction with a charged particle beam. A common physical configiiration occurs when the source and wire are perpendicular to each other. In this dissertation, we investigate the scattered fidd and coupled current that result from such a configu­ ration. We solve the problem for three different sources: a dipole, an array of dipoles, and a continuous line current. We detail the solution for the line current source where we obtain the scattered field by numerical integrallou, the far-zone approxima­ tion using steepest descents, and the excited current by nimierical integration. We also show that the solution of an infinite number of phased dipoles approaches the continuous line soinrce excitation. For the continuous line sotnrce case, we ass\mie an infinite traveling wave line current. We also assume that the current magnitude and phase are not affected by the existence of the nearby wire. The current travels with a speed less than the speed of light in the surrounding mediimi. The wire is in­ finitely long and infinitesimally thin, and is located a distance d from the line source. We solve for the scattered field both numerically and approximately using steepest descents. We then add corrections to the saddle point approximation through two different approaches. We also solve numerically for the coupled current on the wire. Finally, we produce plots that allow us to compare the levels of the field with and

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