
In some instances, the central scar of renal oncocytoma can demonstrate entrapped cells with unusual morphology and aberrant immunoprofile creating potential diagnostic confusion. Herein, 100 renal oncocytomas containing scars with embedded epithelial cells were identified from 6 institutions, including nephrectomies (64% partial, 36% radical) of similar laterality (left = 51%) and sex distribution (male = 56%), with patient ages ranging from 38 to 86 years (mean = 64.3years) and tumor sizes ranging from 2 to 16 cm (mean = 5.3 cm). Immunohistochemistry was performed on all tumors for KRT7, KIT, vimentin, and CA9 with staining intensity and extensity separately analyzed. Of 4 architectural patterns of cells within the scar, 60% showed tubular pattern. Of 4 cytologies within the scar, flat/elongated (49%) and cuboidal cells (40%) predominated. Within the scar, 62% showed eosinophilic cytoplasm, with 38% showing both cleared and eosinophilic cytoplasm; notably, 79% showed higher grade nuclei than typical oncocytes. A subset of scar cells showed mucinous-like basophilic secretions (19%). Compared to background renal oncocytoma, tumor cells within the scar were more often positive for vimentin, KRT7, and CA9 and more frequently negativity for KIT. Specifically, of the notable "aberrant" immunoprofiles, 79% showed KRT7 positivity/KIT negativity/vimentin positive, 84% showed vimentin positivity/CA9 positivity, and 78% showed KIT negativity/vimentin positivity/CA9 positivity. While encountering scars within renal oncocytomas is not uncommon, what is not well appreciated is the unique morphology and immunohistochemistry of tumor cells within the scar. Comparing tumor morphology and immunoprofile of the scar to the background oncocytoma is helpful to avoid interpretative confusion.

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