
Objective: The objective was to evaluate different scarification treatments to improvegermination in chepil seeds (Crotalaria longirostrata Hook. & Arn.).Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was established in the School of VeterinaryMedicine and Zootechnics N. 2 of the Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero. The chepilseeds were weighed and counted; 2 experiments were established through a CRD with4 treatments of 4 repetitions each. Imbibition and germination were evaluated. The datawere analyzed with the statistical software package SAS® 9.0.Results: The use of water at different temperatures and times presented positive resultsin imbibition and increased the germination percentages. The treatment with water at100°C until cooling reached a germination of 80%, and the control of 12.3%. Study Limitations/Implications: Chepil is a wild species that has seeds with physicaldormancy, which is something that requires more research in order to accelerate andincrease the germination percentages.Findings/Conclusions: The imbibition and germination was affected by the treatmentsapplied. Chepil seeds presented physical or superficial dormancy that may be eliminatedwith the use of heat treatments; however, evaluations still need to be performed toaccelerate and find a higher percentage of germination.

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