
Background: Shoulder pain is particularly common among swimmers with up to 91% of swimmers19.Ninetypercent of the propulsive force in swimming comes from the upper extremity4,5. The scapular asymmetry isalterations in scapular positioning which can have an effect on shoulder function. Scapular positioning hasa direct relationship to shoulder stability12.Asymmetry in scapular position between sides is often assumedas pathological11.Objective: To determine scapular asymmetry as a factor causing shoulder pathology among elite swimmersof Jorhat district using lateral scapular slide test.Method: A descriptive study has been undertaken. 50 swimmers have been selected randomly for the studyand all swimmers are the members of Jorhat Swimming Society. Duration for the study is 8 weeks. Thesignificant and relevant test for this study is Lateral Scapular Slide Test (LSST). Dr. W Ben Kibler was thefirst person who proposed this test to assess scapular asymmetry based on the idea that asymmetry is anabnormality and it needs to be identified and rehabilitated18,19.The swimmers selected for the study are between the age group of 12-25 years within training sessions ofminimum 6 times per week and 12 hours weekly. Subjects are excluded who has any shoulder pathology likefracture, surgery or any other traumatic injury.Results: The statistical analysis was carried out using ‘z test’ to determine the significance of scapularasymmetry. There is no significant asymmetry at 0 degree shoulder resting position and there is significantasymmetry in 45, 90 and135 degrees of shoulder abduction respectively.Conclusion: Based on the statistical analysis, it is concluded that there is significant asymmetry found withthe LSST test position at 45 degree, 90 degree and 135 degree, mostly it increases with the elevation of theshoulder joint. Also they may be characterized of having movement restriction of shoulder joint as well asshoulder pain in their later stage of life.

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