
The (001) cleavage surface of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) crystal has been studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STM). It is shown that the surface is not reconstructed; the STM image allows geometric lattice parameters to be determined with high accuracy. The nanostructure formed on the (001) cleavage surface of crystal consists of atomically smooth steps with a height multiple of unit-cell parameter с = 4.37 A. The V2O5 crystal cleavages can be used as references in calibration of a scanning tunneling microscope under atmospheric conditions both along the (х, y) surface and normally to the sample surface (along the z axis). It is found that the terrace surface is not perfectly atomically smooth; its roughness is estimated to be ~0.5 A. This circumstance may introduce an additional error into the microscope calibration along the z coordinate.

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