
For a better understanding of motor and sensory adaptations in cyclodeviations, subjective and objective ocular torsion have to be measured under the same conditions. The search coil technique and videooculography allow natural viewing but only assess relative cycloduction, the dynamics of torsion over a short period of time. Cycloposition, on the other hand, can be measured by analysing the position of the foveola relative to the optic disc with fundus photographs but only in nonphysiological viewing. The aim of the study was to develop a technique that allows natural viewing conditions during fundus cyclometry. The scanning laser beam of the SLO was deflected by 90 degrees with a semitransparent mirror in front of the patient's eyes. The patient was able to look through the semitransparent mirror with both eyes into the room, e.g. at Harms' tangent screen. The infrared SLO images the central retina via the mirror through the undilated pupil. Digital image analysis quantifies the cycloposition of the eye. Controlled head movements while fixating the centre of Harms' tangent screen allow measurements in reproducible gaze positions. The semitransparent mirror reduces SLO image brightness, but image quality is sufficient for cyclometry after contrast enhancement. The laser light can be vaguely perceived by the patient but does not interfere with natural viewing. Reproducibility of the measurement is within +/- 1 degree SD. Our modification of SLO fundus cyclometry allows direct measurements of cycloposition in natural viewing conditions. This opens a new field for investigations of cyclodeviations and their sensory and motor adaptations.

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