
We report on the implementation of a scanning Fabry-Pérot interferometer for photoluminescence spectroscopy investigation. We choose a conveniently small reflectivity of the two planar semitransparent mirrors which, in spite of a moderate cavity finesse, ensures a good mechanical stability over a long time. We also exploit the large tuneability of the cavity length (i.e., of the free spectral range) for changing the spectral resolution over two order of magnitude (from ~300 μeV to ~4 μeV in full width at half maximum). Such a characteristic easily allows to scan both sharp and broad luminescence bands. We test our Fabry-Pérot interferometer on sharp photoluminescence lines resulting from excitonic recombination in self-assembled GaAs quantum dots. We demonstrate the ability of our system to resolve linewidth as small as 4 μeV.

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