
In the present study eight human eyeballs were specifically prepared for scanning-electron-microscopic observation of the zonule. The zonule consisted of two main layers of radial fibres, an anterior and a posterior one, that inserted on the anterior and the posterior lens capsules, respectively. Some fibres inserted on the equator of the lens. Posterior zonular fibres originated at the pars plana, entered the dorsal part of the ciliary valleys and then changed their direction towards the posterior face of the lens. Posterior fibres inserted on the posterior capsule of the lens by branched endings 1 mm behind the equator of the lens. Anterior zonular fibres originated mainly at the pars plana and occasionally at the ciliary valleys. After running completely through the ciliary valleys in close contact with the lateral walls of the ciliary processes, they changed their direction at the anterior endings of the pars plicata and reached the anterior lens capsule. Anterior zonular insertions were achieved by webbed endings that diffused into the anterior capsule 2 mm in front of the lens equator. The extraordinary distension capacity of the zonular fibres was demonstrated by pulling the anterior lens capsule after hydrodissection. As a consequence, the anterior fibres were stretched up to four times their original length without breaking or disinserting.

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