
Recent scanning electron microscopic analyses have shown the comparison of the apparent failure modes of biaxially loaded boron reinforced aluminum composites versus uniaxial, off-axis tensile loading. Additionally, degradation of the longitudinal mechanical properties of both boron reinforced aluminum and Borsic reinforced titanium has been correlated with the growth of deleterious reaction products formed during diffusion bonding of plate and tubular specimens.Combined loading composite theory has been based on off-axis tensile and beam specimens relying on Mohr's Circle transformation of stress to introduce designated stress ratios of ‘transverse to longitudinal stresses. Inherent in these transformations is the high amount of shear stresses applied to the orthotropic axes of the material. Figure 1 shows the fracture surface of off-axis tensile specimens depicting the variation in failure mode from filament normal tensile failure at 5° to matrix and interface shearing at 15° to matrix tensile failure at 90°.

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