
Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA)-based microparticle formulations have been a mainstay of long-acting injectable drug delivery applications for decades. Despite a long history of use, tools and techniques to analyze and understand these formulations are still under development. Recently, a new characterization method was introduced known as the surface analysis after sequential semisolvent impact using sequential semisolvent vapors. The vapor-based technique is named, for convenience, surface analysis of (semisolvent) vapor impact (SAVI). In the SAVI method, discretely controlled quantities of selected organic semisolvents in the vapor phase were applied to PLGA microparticles to track particle morphological changes by laser scanning confocal microscopy. Subsequently, the morphological images were analyzed to calculate mean peak height (Sa), core height (Sk), kurtosis (Sku), dale void volume (Vvv), the density of peaks (Spd), maximum height (Hm), and the shape ratio (Rs). Here, the SAVI method was applied to naltrexone-loaded microparticles manufactured internally and Vivitrol, a commercial formulation. SAVI analysis of these microparticles indicated that the two primary mechanisms controlling the naltrexone release were the formation of discrete, self-crystallized portions of naltrexone within the PLGA structure and the degradation of PLGA chains through nucleophilic substitution. The relatively higher amounts of naltrexone crystals resulted in prolonged release than lower amounts of crystals. Data from gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, and in vitro release measurements all point to the importance of naltrexone crystal formation. This study highlights the utility of SAVI for gaining further insights into the microstructure of PLGA formulations and using SAVI data to support research, product development, and quality control applications for microparticle formulations of pharmaceuticals.

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