
We have developed a simple algorithm for scalp localization for craniotomy. Using a series of CT/MRI data, the point on the scalp closest to the center of the lesion (T) is determined by our program. A plane (plane R) is defined by three points: bilateral auditory meati and T. Point 5 is the intersection of three planes: the plane R, the scalp surface and the midsagittal plane. The distance from either 5 or the ipsilateral external auditory meatus to T is measured along the scalp surface on the plane R. The distance from the nasion to 5 along the scalp surface on the midsagittal plane is also measured. To determine the craniotomy site, these distances are measured directly on a patien(s scalp in the operating room. This simple and accurate method for scalp localization could be used by installing our program in conventional CT/MR scanners. [Neural Res 1998; 20: 751-753]

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