
We present a statistical analysis on two watersheds in French Brittany whose drainage areas are about 10,000 and 2000 km2. The channel system was analysed from the digitised blue lines of the 1:100,000 map and from a 250-m DEM. Link lengths follow an exponential distribution, consistent with the Markovian model of channel branching proposed by Smart (1968). The departure from the exponential distribution for small lengths, that has been extensively discussed before, results from a statistical effect due to the finite number of channels and junctions. The Strahler topology applied on channels defines a self-similar organisation whose similarity dimension is about 1.7, that is clearly smaller than the value of 2 expected for a random organisation. The similarity dimension is consistent with an independent measurement of the Horton ratios of stream numbers and lengths. The variables defined by an upstream integral (drainage area, mainstream length, upstream length) follow power-law distributions limited at large scales by a finite size effect, due to the finite area of the watersheds. A special emphasis is given to the exponent of the drainage area, aA, that has been previously discussed in the context of different aggregation models relevant to channel network growth. We show that aA is consistent with 4/3, a value that was obtained and analytically demonstrated from directed random walk aggregating models, inspired by the model of Scheidegger (1967). The drainage density and mainstream length present no simple scaling with area, except at large areas where they tend to trivial values: constant density and square root of drainage area, respectively. These asymptotic limits necessarily imply that the space dimension of channel networks is 2, equal to the embedding space. The limits are reached for drainage areas larger than 100 km2. For smaller areas, the asymptotic limit represents either a lower bound (drainage density) or an upper bound (mainstream length) of the distributions. Because the fluctuations of the drainage density slowly converge to a finite limit, the system could be adequately described as a fat fractal, where the average drainage density is the sum of a constant plus a fluctuation decreasing as a power law with integrating area. A fat fractal hypothesis could explain why the similarity dimension is not equal to the fractal capacity dimension, as it is for thin fractals. The physical consequences are not yet really understood, but we draw an analogy with a directed aggregating system where the growth process involves both stochastic and deterministic growth. These models are known to be fat fractals, and the deterministic growth, which constitutes a fundamental ingredient of these models, could be attributed in river systems to the role of terrestrial gravity.

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