
In some systems, the connecting probability (and thus the percolation process) between two sites depends on the geometric distance between them. To understand such process, we propose gravitationally correlated percolation models for link-adding networks on the two-dimensional lattice G with two strategies Smax and Smin, to add a link li,j to connect site i and site j with mass mi and mj, respectively; mi and mj are sizes of the clusters which contain site i and site j, respectively. The probability to add the link li,j is related to the generalized gravity gij≡mimj/rijd, where rij is the geometric distance between i and j, and d is an adjustable decaying exponent. In the beginning of the simulation, all sites of G are occupied and there is no link. In the simulation process, two inter-cluster links li,j and lk,n are randomly chosen and the generalized gravities gij and gkn are computed. In the strategy Smax, the link with larger generalized gravity is added. In the strategy Smin, the link with smaller generalized gravity is added, which include percolation on the Erdös-Rényi random graph and the Achlioptas process of explosive percolation as the limiting cases, d → ∞ and d → 0, respectively. Adjustable strategies facilitate or inhibit the network percolation in a generic view. We calculate percolation thresholds Tc and critical exponents β by numerical simulations. We also obtain various finite-size scaling functions for the node fractions in percolating clusters or arrival of saturation length with different intervening strategies.

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