
The gravitational energy, total metabolic energy and heat energy of living organisms, Earth and Sun are scaled. Statistical analyses have shown that nearly a linear relationship between the total metabolic energy per lifespan of Poikilothermic organisms (Pls, kJ), total heat energy (THEE, kJ) of the Earth and the body mass (M, kg) of Poikilotherms and Earth (ME, kg) in log-log plots holds: Pls= 1.696×105 M0.949 with R2= 0.996. A similar relationship between the total metabolic energy of Homoitherms Mammals and Aves (Pls, kJ), the total heat energy of Sun (emitted over Earth surface per Earth’s lifespan) (THES, kJ), and body mass (M, kg) of Mammals, Aves and Earth (ME, kg) holds: Pls = 10.2×105 M1.023 with R2= 0.996. The metabolic potential of living organisms, gravitational and heat potential of Earth and Sun are scaled too. The gravitational and ‘heat’ potential of Earth are emerging as a lower limit of lifespan metabolic potentials of unicellular organisms, while the gravitational and ‘heat’ potential of Sun are emerging as an upper limit of lifespan metabolic potentials of multicellular organisms (Poikilotherms, Mammals and Aves). The relationships between mass-energy characteristics of living organisms, Earth and Sun show that gravitational and heat energy of Earth and Sun determine maximum and minimum total metabolic energy (per lifespan) of living organisms, while the gravitational and ‘heat’ potentials of Earth and Sun determine their maximum and minimum lifespan metabolic potentials.

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