
We present in this article an analysis of some of the properties of the density field realized in numerical simulations for power-law initial power-spectra in the case of a critical density universe. We compare our numerical results in the non-linear regime with the predictions of a specific scaling model, focusing on its much wider range of applicability, which is one of its main advantages over the standard Press-Schechter approximation. We first check that the two-point correlation functions agree with the stable-clustering ansatz. Next we show that the statistics of the counts-in-cells obey the scaling law predicted by our scaling model. Then, we turn to mass functions of overdense and underdense regions. We first consider the mass function of just collapsed objects defined by a density threshold $\Delta~177$. We note that the usual Press-Schechter prescription agrees reasonably well with the simulations (although there are some discrepancies) while the numerical results are also consistent with the scaling model. Then, we consider more general mass functions defined by different density thresholds which can even be negative. This is out of reach of the Press-Schechter approach while our scaling model can handle these mass functions and it shows a reasonably good agreement with numerical results. Finally, we consider objects defined by a constant radius condition. Thus, we find that the scaling model allows one to study many different classes of objects and it clarifies the links between various statistical tools.

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