
Equilibrium Propagation is a biologically-inspired algorithm that trains convergent recurrent neural networks with a local learning rule. This approach constitutes a major lead to allow learning-capable neuromophic systems and comes with strong theoretical guarantees. Equilibrium propagation operates in two phases, during which the network is let to evolve freely and then “nudged” toward a target; the weights of the network are then updated based solely on the states of the neurons that they connect. The weight updates of Equilibrium Propagation have been shown mathematically to approach those provided by Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), the mainstream approach to train recurrent neural networks, when nudging is performed with infinitely small strength. In practice, however, the standard implementation of Equilibrium Propagation does not scale to visual tasks harder than MNIST. In this work, we show that a bias in the gradient estimate of equilibrium propagation, inherent in the use of finite nudging, is responsible for this phenomenon and that canceling it allows training deep convolutional neural networks. We show that this bias can be greatly reduced by using symmetric nudging (a positive nudging and a negative one). We also generalize Equilibrium Propagation to the case of cross-entropy loss (by opposition to squared error). As a result of these advances, we are able to achieve a test error of 11.7% on CIFAR-10, which approaches the one achieved by BPTT and provides a major improvement with respect to the standard Equilibrium Propagation that gives 86% test error. We also apply these techniques to train an architecture with unidirectional forward and backward connections, yielding a 13.2% test error. These results highlight equilibrium propagation as a compelling biologically-plausible approach to compute error gradients in deep neuromorphic systems.


  • How synapses in hierarchical neural circuits are adjusted throughout learning a task remains a challenging question called the credit assignment problem (Richards et al, 2019)

  • During the second phase of Equilibrium Propagation (EP), the perturbation originating from the output layer propagates forward in time to upstream layers, creating local error signals that match exactly those that are computed by Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT), the canonical approach for training recurrent neural networksScaling EqProp to Deep ConvNets (RNNs) (Ernoult et al, 2019)

  • We show that performing the second phase of EP with nudging strength of constant sign induces a systematic first order bias in the EP gradient estimate which, once canceled, unlocks the training of deep convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), with bidirectional or unidirectional connections and with performance closely matching that of BPTT on CIFAR-10

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How synapses in hierarchical neural circuits are adjusted throughout learning a task remains a challenging question called the credit assignment problem (Richards et al, 2019). Despite the theoretical guarantees of EP, the literature suggests that no implementation of EP has far succeeded to match the performance of standard deep learning approaches to train deep networks on hard visual tasks This problem is even more challenging when using a more bio-plausible topology where the synaptic connections of the network are unidirectional: existing proposals of EP in this situation (Scellier et al, 2018; Ernoult et al, 2020) lead to a degradation of accuracy on MNIST compared to standard EP. We propose to implement the output layer of the neural network as a softmax readout, which subsequently allows us to optimize the cross-entropy loss function with EP This method improves the classification performance on CIFAR-10 with respect to the use of the squared error loss and is closer to the one achieved with BPTT (section 3.2). Based on ideas of Scellier et al (2018) and Kolen and Pollack (1994), we adapt the learning rule of EP for architectures with distinct (unidirectional) forward and backward connections, yielding only 1.5% performance degradation on CIFAR-10 compared to bidirectional connections (section 2.4)

Convergent RNNs With Static Input
Training Procedures for Convergent
Convolutional Architectures for Convergent RNNs
Equilibrium Propagation With Unidirectional Synaptic Connections
Reducing Bias and Variance in the Gradient Estimate of the Loss Function
Changing the Loss Function
Changing the Learning Rule of EP With Unidirectional Synaptic Connections
ConvNets With Bidirectional Connections
ConvNets With Unidirectional Connections
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