
I t has been known for some t ime (1) that , even if there are no operator Schwinger terms (ST) in the equal-time commutators (ETC) of the electromagnetic currents, a logarithmic divergence still appears in the electromagnetic self-mass of hadrons, although one usually believes the divergence to be cancelled out when taking the mass differences. From an aesthetic point of view it is of course bet ter to have a finite self-mass, the divergence should then disappear under some circumstances. A model has already been proposed by BJORKEN and BI'iANDT (2) tO meet a such a happy situation; as we shall see below, however, i t turns out to contradict the present experiment completely. I t is the purpose of this letter to derive general criteria on the finiteness of the selfmass in the light of scaling behaviour (3) observed in the deep inelastic e~ ~ scattering (4). Considering the electromagnetic self-mass 8m of a hadron A in the lowest order of a, we write the Cottingham's formula (5) in form like

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