
Network function virtualization (NFV) enables elastic scaling to middlebox deployment and management. Therefore, efficient stateful scaling is an important task because operators often need to shift traffic and the associated flow states across VNF instances to deal with time-varying loads. Existing NFV scaling methods, however, typically focus on one aspect of the scaling pipeline and does not offer an end-to-end scaling framework. This article presents ScaleFlux, a complete stateful scaling system that efficiently reduces flow-level latency and achieves near-optimal resource usage. ScaleFlux (1) monitors traffic load for each VNF instance and adopts a queue-based mechanism to detect load burstiness timely, (2) deploys a flow bandwidth predictor to predict flow bandwidth time-series with the ABCNN-LSTM model, and (3) schedules the necessary flow and state migration using the simulated annealing algorithm to achieve both flow-level latency guarantee and resource usage minimization. Testbed evaluation with a five-machine cluster shows that ScaleFlux reduces flow completion time by at least 8.7× for all the workloads and achieves near-optimal CPU usage during scaling.

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