
In this work, the perturbative QCD series of the scalar correlation function $\Psi(s)$ is investigated. Besides ${\rm Im}\Psi(s)$, which is relevant for Higgs decay into quarks, two other physical correlators, $\Psi^{"}(s)$ and $D^L(s)$, have been employed in QCD applications like quark mass determinations or hadronic $\tau$ decays. $D^L(s)$ suffers from large higher-order corrections and, by resorting to the large-$\beta_0$ approximation, it is shown that this is related to a spurious renormalon ambiguity at $u=1$. Hence, this correlator should be avoided in phenomenological analyses. Moreover, it turns out advantageous to express the quark mass factor, introduced to make the scalar current renormalisation group invariant, in terms of the renormalisation invariant quark mass $\hat m_q$. To further study the behaviour of the perturbative expansion, we introduce a QCD coupling $\hat\alpha_s$, whose running is explicitly renormalisation scheme independent. The scheme dependence of $\hat\alpha_s$ is parametrised by a single parameter $C$, being related to transformations of the QCD scale parameter $\Lambda$. It is demonstrated that appropriate choices of $C$ lead to a substantial improvement in the behaviour of the perturbative series for $\Psi^{"}(s)$ and ${\rm Im}\Psi(s)$.


  • Demonstrated, it can serve as a guideline to shed light on the general structure of the scalar correlation function

  • By investigating two phenomenological applications, the correlator Ψ (s) at the τ mass scale and ImΨ(s) for Higgs decay to quarks, we show that employing the coupling αs and choosing appropriate schemes by varying the parameter C, the behaviour of the perturbative series can be substantially improved

  • Three physical functions related to the scalar correlator play a role for phenomenological studies: ImΨ(s) in Higgs decay, Ψ (s) for quark-mass extractions and DL(s) in finite-energy sum rule analyses of hadronic τ decays

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The scalar two-point correlator

The following work shall be concerned with the scalar two-point correlation function Ψ(p2). Ψ (s) satisfies a homogeneous RGE, and the logarithms can be resummed with the particular scale choice μ2 = −s ≡ Q2, leading to the compact expression In this way, both the running quark mass as well as the running QCD coupling are to be evaluated at the renormalisation scale Q. Besides Ψ (s) and ImΨ(s), in addition, below another physical quantity shall be investigated, which is closer to the correlation functions arising in hadronic τ decays To this end, consider the general decomposition of the vector correlation function into transversal (T ) and longitudinal (L) correlators: Πμν (p) ≡ i dx eipx Ω|T {jμ(x)jν†(0)}|Ω = (pμpν − gμν p2) ΠT (p2) + pμpν ΠL(p2). We review and utilise the information available on the scalar correlation function in the large-Nf , or relatedly, the large-β0 approximation

Large-β0 approximation for the scalar correlator
Scheme variations of the QCD coupling
Phenomenological applications
A Renormalisation group functions and dependent coefficients
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