
Continuous data stream processing systems have offered limited support for data persistence in the past, for three main reasons: First, online, real-time queries examine current streaming data and (under the assumption of no server failures) do not require access to past data; second, stable storage devices are commonly thought to be constraining system throughput and response times when compared to main memory, and are thus kept off the common path; finally, the use of scalable storage solutions which would be required to sustain high data streaming rates have not been thoroughly investigated in the past. Our work advances the state of the art by providing data streaming systems with a scalable path to persistent storage. This path has low impact in the performance properties of a scalable streaming system and allows two fundamental enhancements to their capabilities: First, it allows stream persistence for reference/archival purposes (in other words, queries can now be applied on past data on-demand); second, fault tolerance is achievable by checkpointing and stream replay schemes that are not constrained by the size of main memory.

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