
We have created a textile with solid-state dye-sensitized photovoltaic fibers (DSPFs) fabricated using a unique combination of inexpensive, commercial-off-the-shelf materials and solution-based processing deposition techniques. DSPFs were made possible by macroscopic support of liquid state components in both the electrolyte and photoanode of the DSPFs. A plastic crystal system of succinonitrile was doped with iodide salts to achieve a solid-state ion-conducting electrolyte. Similarly, utilization of a mesoporous TiO2 photoanode created an adsorptive scaffold for photoactive dyes in a liquid solution. An inexpensive pairing of coated carbon and stainless steel, replacing the traditional and expensive platinum-based counter electrode, was used as a catalytic counter electrode. A solid-state DSPF including both electrodes aligned in comparative orientations provided peak power of up to 0.4 µW/mm with open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.7 V. A module of solid-state DSPFs was then incorporated into a simple weave in a mini-loom to demonstrate textile capability. Solid-state DSPFs woven and connected in series in the loom produced peak power of over 50 µW and VOC of 4.5 V. Creation of the flexible DSPFs was achieved through a series of simple and scalable solution-based coating processes, and to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously reported in literature to produce fully encapsulated solid-state dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells with a fiber form factor. Low cost, high throughput processing of this technology can potentially support the manufactural transition for the next generation of commercial energy harvesting wearable electronics.

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