
Data access control is of critical importance in cloud computing, in particular for e-health systems, where a patient Personal Health Records (PHR) data, have a serious privacy concerns about outsourcing to the cloud servers. Presently Key policy attribute based encryption (KP-ABE) is promising advanced cryptographic system for fine-grained access control in cloud computing systems. Yet, Existing access control schemes based on attribute based encryption (ABE), are no longer applicable due to the heavy cryptographic computation and communication overhead of key management. Existing ABE schemes are based on expensive bilinear pairing that make its not scalable and not suitable for cloud e-health systems. In this paper we propose a new Scalable lightweight LKP-ABE scheme based on elliptic curve integrated encryption scheme (ECIES), The best known encryption scheme based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, applied in e-health system, in order to ensure fine grained access control and data confidentiality of personal health records, and present an advanced secure and scalable encryption/decryption system based on Key Policy Attribute Based Encryption (KP-ABE) for PHR’s. our scheme provide semantic security against chosen cipher-text attacks (CCAs), guaranteed resistance collusion and provide hight level data confidentiality of sharing PHR, by using elliptic curve integrated encryption scheme (ECIES) that has much stronger bit security than RSA as well as other exponential-based public key algorithm and the advanced attribute based encryption KP-ABE. The proof security, performance comparison among LKP-ABE and related schemes is given to prove the performance, low cost communication and execution efficiency of LKP-ABE.

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