
Enumerating simple cycles has important applications in computational biology, network science, and financial crime analysis. In this work, we focus on parallelising the state-of-the-art simple cycle enumeration algorithms by Johnson and Read-Tarjan along with their applications to temporal graphs. To our knowledge, we are the first ones to parallelise these two algorithms in a fine-grained manner. We are also the first to demonstrate experimentally a linear performance scaling. Such a scaling is made possible by our decomposition of long sequential searches into fine-grained tasks, which are then dynamically scheduled across CPU cores, enabling an optimal load balancing. Furthermore, we show that coarse-grained parallel versions of the Johnson and the Read-Tarjan algorithms that exploit edge- or vertex-level parallelism are not scalable. On a cluster of four multi-core CPUs with $256$ physical cores, our fine-grained parallel algorithms are, on average, an order of magnitude faster than their coarse-grained parallel counterparts. The performance gap between the fine-grained and the coarse-grained parallel algorithms widens as we use more CPU cores. When using all 256 CPU cores, our parallel algorithms enumerate temporal cycles, on average, $260\times$ faster than the serial algorithm of Kumar and Calders.

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