
The study investigates the impact of establishing the different scaffolding models toward better percolation of knowledge and skills required to build a functional prototype in a first-year engineering Project Based Learning course. To facilitate students to design and build a mechatronics system, scaffolding students at various project phases is crucial. To cater to the need, scaffolding by the teacher all the time for all the project phases for a large classroom of students was challenging. Thus, there was a need to establish multiple scaffolding models to effectively scaffold students without burdening the teacher. This motivated the authors to establish the five scaffolding models. Data was collected from students and teachers involved in the course to measure the effectiveness of scaffolding models. Student data was collected through focus group discussion, while an interview was carried out with faculty to capture the data. The results reveal that designing multiple scaffolding models helped students to get just in time help to complete the projects and resulted in better design skills. The paper's outcomes help educators design scaffolding models for the PBL course in engineering for a large classroom. Keywords— Design Problems; Engineering Design Process; First-Year Engineering; Project-Based Learning (PBL); Prototyping skills; Scaffolding.

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