
The loss of oligodendrocytes (OLs) and subsequently myelin sheaths following injuries or pathologies in the CNS leads todebilitating functional deficits. Unfortunately, effective methods of remyelination remain limited. Here, we present a scaffolding system that enables sustained non-viral delivery of microRNAs (miRs) to direct OL differentiation, maturation, and myelination. We show that miR-219/miR-338 promoted primary rat OL differentiation and myelination invitro. Using spinal cord injury as a proof-of-concept, we further demonstrate that miR-219/miR-338 could also be delivered non-virally invivo using an aligned fiber-hydrogel scaffold to enhance remyelination after a hemi-incision injury at C5 level of Sprague-Dawley rats. Specifically, miR-219/miR-338 mimics were incorporated as complexes with the carrier, TransIT-TKO (TKO), together with neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) within hybrid scaffolds that comprised poly(caprolactone-co-ethyl ethylene phosphate) (PCLEEP)-aligned fibers and collagen hydrogel. After 1, 2, and 4weeks post-treatment, animals that received NT-3 and miR-219/miR-338 treatment preserved a higher number of Olig2+ oligodendroglial lineage cells as compared with those treated with NT-3 and negative scrambled miRs (Neg miRs; p< 0.001). Additionally, miR-219/miR-338 increased the rate and extent of differentiation of OLs. At the host-implant interface, more compact myelin sheaths were observed when animals received miR-219/miR-338. Similarly within the scaffolds, miR-219/miR-338 samples contained significantly more myelin basic protein (MBP) signals (p< 0.01) and higher myelination index (p< 0.05) than Neg miR samples. These findings highlight the potential of this platform to promote remyelination within the CNS.

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