
Tissue-engineered vascular grafts (TEVGs) are in urgent demand for both adult and pediatric patients. Although several approaches have utilized vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells as cell sources for TEVGs, these cell sources have a limited proliferative capacity that results in an inability to reconstitute neotissues. Skeletal myoblasts are attractive cell sources as they possess high proliferative capacity, and they are already being tested in clinical trials for patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Our previous study demonstrated that periodic hydrostatic pressurization (PHP) promoted fibronectin fibrillogenesis in vascular SMCs, and that PHP-induced extracellular matrix (ECM) arrangements enabled the fabrication of implantable arterial grafts derived from SMCs without using a scaffold material. We assessed the molecular response of human skeletal myoblasts to PHP exposure, and aimed to fabricate arterial grafts from the myoblasts by exposure to PHP. To examine the PHP-response genes, human skeletal myoblasts were subjected to bulk RNA-sequencing after PHP exposure. Gene-set enrichment analysis revealed significant positive correlations between PHP exposure and vascular development-related genes. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) demonstrated that PHP significantly upregulated collagen and elastic fiber formation-related gene expression, such as fibronectin, lysyl oxidase, collagen type I α1, collagen type IV α1, and tropoelastin. Based on these findings showing the potential role of PHP in vessel formation, we fabricated arterial grafts by repeated cell seeding and exposure to PHP every 24hours. The resultant 15-layered myoblast grafts had high collagen content, which provided a tensile rupture strength of 899±104mmHg. Human skeletal myoblast grafts were implanted as patch grafts in the aorta of immunosuppressed rats and found to be endothelialized and completely patent until the endpoint of 60 postoperative days. Implanted human myoblasts were gradually replaced by host-derived cells, which successfully formed vascular neotissues with layered elastic fibers. These findings suggest that human skeletal myoblasts have the potential to be a feasible cell source for scaffold-free implantable arterial grafts under PHP culture conditions.

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