
Preparation of intravenous antibiotic doses takes up a significant amount of nurse time and exposes nurses to the risk of needlestick injury. The use of the Ecoflac® Connect needle-free connector could streamline preparation, reducing the time taken as well as eliminating needlestick injury risk. Because Ecoflac Connect is a closed system, it also minimises the risk of microbial contamination. This study showed that it took 83 experienced nurses 73.6 (SD 25.0) seconds to prepare an amoxicillin injection using the Ecoflac Connect needle-free connector compared with 110.0 (SD 34.6) seconds using the standard needle and syringe method, saving 36 seconds per dose on average, reducing the time taken by one-third. Based on recent government figures, the saving in nurse time would equate to 200-300 full-time nurses in England, equivalent to £6.15 million-£9.23 million a year. Additional savings would accrue from the prevention of needlestick injuries. Where wards are understaffed, this time saving could be critical, increasing time for care.

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