
The article presents the results of archaeological research carried out within the framework of saving operations in excavation area XXXIII, located outside the medieval shahristan of Derbent - within 130 meters from the northern defensive wall of the town. The excavations have revealed thick cultural strata (four layers with a total thickness of up to 2.4 m), with a large number of fragments of glazed and unglazed pottery, fragments of glass vessels and bracelets, copper coins, stone tools, etc., belonging to Arab and pre-Mongol periods (8th - early 13th centuries). The dating of the layers was based on ceramic complexes of the layers (especially on glazed ceramics) and on chronologically indicative individual finds (glass bracelets, bronze tip of the belt, coins from layers 3 and 4 - coinage of the Umayyads and early Abbasids). They give evidence of active use of this area of the medieval town located to the north of the architecturally marked shahristan. Despite the presence of thick cultural strata with numerous artifacts interbedded with ash-coal and organic interlayers, no architectural, economic and household constructions (rubbish-heaps, grain pits, bread-baking stoves - tandoors, waterways, wells, hearths, etc.) have been identified in this area. The character of the layers allows drawing the conclusion that household waste dump was located here - outside the shahristan. Termination of functioning of this site near Derbent, as well as many other objects in the town, should be associated with the Mongol invasions in the early 13th century, which resulted in significant reduction of the population and of the territory of the town. In the excavation area were revealed two levels of medieval Muslim burials representing two chronological periods: 15th - 17th centuries (burials 1, 2) and late 8th - early 9th centuries (burials 3-27).


  • The article presents the results of archaeological research carried out

  • The dating of the layers was based on ceramic complexes of the layers

  • They give evidence of active use of this area of the medieval town located to the north

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– фрагменты кольцевого поддона красноглиняной чаши, внутренняя поверхность которой покрыта полихромной росписью (марганцевая и зеленая краски) по белому ангобу под прозрачной желтоватой поливой – фрагмент стенки красноглиняной чаши, внутренняя поверхность которой покрыта полихромной росписью (зеленая и темно-коричневая краски) по белому ангобу под прозрачной желтоватой поливой – фрагмент стенки красноглиняной чаши, внутренняя поверхность которой покрыта марганцевой росписью и полихромными растеками (зеленая и желтая краски) по белому ангобу под прозрачной поливой

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