
In March 2017, when the risk of lake Balkhash evaporation was as high as never before, the whole biodiversity ecoculture was put under the threat triggered by climate change risks and industrial pollution. Staying apart from political disputes, mainly concentrated on the ecological agenda and water security I founded a digital open data research project - Save Lake Balkhash International which aims to preserve a unique ecosystem of lake Balkhash, the largest inland lake in Kazakhstan and 14th largest in the world [5]. Lake Balkhash is a savior of harsh arid climate of Kazakhstan. The breadwinner for thousands of fishing families, a shelter for birds and animals that migrate to Balkhash from Mongolia, China, Russia and Europe [4]. Aged more than 35,000 years [5], Balkhash is the only lake in Kazakhstan with sufficient volume of water, located entirely on the territory of the country. According to the global experience and studies which I have been providing since 2017, the fails of saving lakes and rivers across continents are pretty much the same. Number one reason of such fails is lack of support from local government and academics. The social experiment which I conducted in 2020 [6] using social media, research findings and literature review proved the bias against civil activism in Central Asia, statement of which is clearly defined by the words of one governmental ex-manager: “There is no point in saving a nature if you are not getting paid and support from authorities, only stupid enthusiasts will do such rubbish thing.” To reasonably question this statement it is useful for international organisations and associations to be integrated into one stakeholders' working scheme, or map. Only joint protection measures of ecological projects and initiatives can become an effective leverage to manage and prevent negative consequences of climate change, when local input is not enough.

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