
This article highlights Pakistan's foreign policy towards the Yemen crisis in the background of deep-rooted social,cultural, ethnic and religious cleavages between two regional rivals, Saudi Arabia and Iran. As, Pakistan always claims Tobe neutral towards Saudi-Iran rivalry. By using the qualitative method, the researcher has designed a criterion of analyzing the neutrality in Pakistan's foreign policy towards the Yemen Crisis. As, there are multiple indicators of neutrality that can help in measuring Pakistan’s position of neutrality towards Saudi-Iran rivalry in Yemen Crises. Moreover, by explaining the factors behind the Saudi-Iran rivalry, this article further answers questions such as which theory explains best explain Pakistan's position towards Yemen Crises? What are the drivers of Pakistan's foreign policy towards the Middle East? Is Pakistan really neutral towards the Middle Eastern crises? If yes, then to what extent and why? How do external threats to Pakistan's political, economic, and Ideological interests contribute to creating a discrepancy in its proclaimed neutral position.

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