
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Notes 1. ‘Saudi King Says He'll Convene Interfaith Conference with Jews’, Jerusalem Post, 25 March 2008. 2. ‘King Abdullah Addresses a Conference on Religious Tolerance’, Asharq al-Awsat, 13 November 2008. 3. ‘Peres at UN Forum: Dream of Peace Did Not Die with Rabin’, Jerusalem Post, 13 November 2008. 4. Shlomo Shamir, ‘Peres: Arab Peace Paln—A Serious Opening for Real Progress’, Ha'aretz, 13 November 2008. 5. Hermann Frederick Eilts, ‘Saudi Arabia's Foreign Policy’, in L. Carl Brown (ed.), Diplomacy in the Middle East: The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers, London, 2001, pp. 219–244. 6. The text of the plan is available online at http://www.kingfahdbinabdulaziz.com/main/1500.htm (accessed 20 December 2006). 7. Serge Schmemann, ‘A Saudi Peace Idea, Suddenly in the Spotlight’, New York Times, 3 March 2002. 8. Aluf Benn, ‘Official Government Response: Saudi Plan Endangers Israel's Security’, Ha'aretz, 3 March 2002. 9. For more information see Gwenn Okruhlik, ‘Saudi Arabian–Iranian Relations: External Rapprochement and Internal Consolidation’, Middle East Policy, Vol. 10, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp. 113–125; and Gawdat Bahgat, ‘Iranian–Saudi Rapprochement: Prospects and Implications’, World Affairs, Vol. 162, No. 3 (Winter 2000), pp. 108–115. 10. Faiza Saleh Ambah, ‘Many Arabs Applaud Hezbollah’, Washington Post, 30 July 2006. 11. Institute of International Finance, Economic Report: Gulf Cooperation Council Countries, available online at http://www.iif.com (accessed 20 January 2008). 12. Steffen Hertog, ‘The GCC and Arab Economic Integration: A New Paradigm’, Middle East Policy, Vol. 14, No. 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 52–69, p. 60. 13. Claims of this meeting were widely reported in the Israeli media. See Shmuel Rosner and Aluf Benn, ‘A Time for Peace?’, Ha'aretz, 6 October 2006; and ‘Editorial: Talking with the Saudis’, Jerusalem Post, 27 September 2006. 14. Hassan M. Fattah, ‘Heads of Arab States Prod Israel to Embrace Peace Offer’, New York Times, 30 March 2007. 15. Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israeli Statement on the Arab Summit in Riyadh, available online at http://www.mfa.gov.il (accessed 30 March 2007). 16. Herb Keinon, ‘Arab League Drops Conditions on Talks in Israel’, Jerusalem Post, 11 May 2007. 17. Andrew Higgins, ‘As US Puts Pressure on Iran, Gulf's Religious Rift Spreads’, Wall Street Journal, 26 February 2007. 18. Roula Khalaf, ‘Sunni Arab States Wary of Iran's Role’, Financial Times, 29 November 2006. 19. Brom Shlomo, ‘The Road from Annapolis’, Strategic Assessment, Vol. 10, No. 3 (December 2007), pp. 24–26. 20. Glenn Kessler, ‘No Mideast Deal under Bush, White House Says’, Washington Post, 7 November 2008. 21. Uzi Mahnaimi and Sarah Baxter, ‘Barack Obama Links Israel Peace Plan to 1967 Borders Deal’, Times, 16 November 2008. 22. Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski, ‘Middle East Priorities for Jan. 21’, Washington Post, 21 November 2008.

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