
The saturation loadings for subcritical adsorption of inorganic monatomic and diatomic species on 13X zeolite are modeled using the modified Rackett model of Spencer and Danner (J Chem Eng Data 17:236–240, 1972) for the saturated liquid densities combined with crystallographic data for the 13X zeolite. A similar equation is derived for supercritical adsorption involving supercritical adsorbate densities and crystallographic data for the 13X zeolite. Adsorption data from the literature are first critically evaluated and then compared to the model. Log–log plots are used to determine whether each isotherm is near saturation; isotherms that exhibit a $${{\left( {\partial \ln q} \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left( {\partial \ln q} \right)} {\left( {\partial \ln p} \right)}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\left( {\partial \ln p} \right)}}$$ slope of zero at the maximum pressure point are assumed to be saturated. The highest loading is used from each isotherm that approaches saturation. Unsaturated isotherms are not considered further. The theoretical equation satisfactorily models the available experimental data for the data that are subcritical. However, a steric factor is required in the model for iodine. 80% of the data for helium, nitrogen and oxygen are in the supercritical region; this data reveals a linear decreasing trend with increasing reduced temperature Tr. For this data a new supercritical model is developed using the reduced critical adsorbate temperature, TCAR, and the slope of the decreasing linear plot against Tr. The physical phenomena causing this effect is considered to be increasing molecular vibration in the cavity reducing the total molecular loading with temperature rise.

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