
We consider certain families of automorphic representations over number fields arising from the principle of functoriality of Langlands. Let $$G$$ be a reductive group over a number field $$F$$ which admits discrete series representations at infinity. Let $$^{L}G=\widehat{G} \rtimes \mathrm{Gal}(\bar{F}/F)$$ be the associated $$L$$ -group and $$r:{}^L G\rightarrow \mathrm{GL}(d,\mathbb {C})$$ a continuous homomorphism which is irreducible and does not factor through $$\mathrm{Gal}(\bar{F}/F)$$ . The families under consideration consist of discrete automorphic representations of $$G(\mathbb {A}_F)$$ of given weight and level and we let either the weight or the level grow to infinity. We establish a quantitative Plancherel and a quantitative Sato–Tate equidistribution theorem for the Satake parameters of these families. This generalizes earlier results in the subject, notably of Sarnak (Prog Math 70:321–331, 1987) and Serre (J Am Math Soc 10(1):75–102, 1997). As an application we study the distribution of the low-lying zeros of the associated family of $$L$$ -functions $$L(s,\pi ,r)$$ , assuming from the principle of functoriality that these $$L$$ -functions are automorphic. We find that the distribution of the $$1$$ -level densities coincides with the distribution of the $$1$$ -level densities of eigenvalues of one of the unitary, symplectic and orthogonal ensembles, in accordance with the Katz–Sarnak heuristics. We provide a criterion based on the Frobenius–Schur indicator to determine this symmetry type. If $$r$$ is not isomorphic to its dual $$r^\vee $$ then the symmetry type is unitary. Otherwise there is a bilinear form on $$\mathbb {C}^d$$ which realizes the isomorphism between $$r$$ and $$r^\vee $$ . If the bilinear form is symmetric (resp. alternating) then $$r$$ is real (resp. quaternionic) and the symmetry type is symplectic (resp. orthogonal).


  • Background materialsThis section collects background materials in the local and global contexts

  • Remark 5.6 In general when the above hypothesis is dropped, it is likely that π comes from an automorphic representation on a smaller group than G. [If φπ factors through an injective L-morphism L HF1/F → L G F1/F the Langlands functoriality predicts that π arises from an automorphic representation of H (AF ).] Suppose that the Zariski closure of Im in L G F1/F is isomorphic to L HF1/F for some connected reductive group H over F. (In general the Zariski closure may consist of finitely many copies of L HF1/F .) {πv}v∈VF (θ,π) should be equidistributed according to the Sato–Tate measure belonging to H in order to be consistent with the functoriality conjecture

  • An important point is that, in the situation where local data arise from some global reductive group over a number field by localization, the constants Z1 and Z2 do not depend on the residue characteristic p or the p-adic field F as long as the affine root data remain unchanged

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Sato–Tate theorem for families

The original Sato–Tate conjecture is about an elliptic curve E, assumed to be defined over Q for simplicity. To speak of the automorphic version of the Sato–Tate conjecture, let G be a connected split reductive group over Q with trivial center and π an automorphic representation of G(A). The automorphic Sato–Tate conjecture should be a prediction about the equidistribution of πp on T / with respect to a natural measure (supported on a compact subset of T / ). The last item is marked as Plancherel since the Satake parameters are expected to be equidistributed with respect to the Plancherel measure (again supported on Tc/ ) in case (iii). This has been shown to be true under the assumption that G(R) admits discrete series in [99]. This estimate (see Theorem 1.3 below) refines the main result of [99] and is far more difficult to prove in that several nontrivial bounds in harmonic analysis on reductive groups need to be justified

Families of L-functions
Criterion for the symmetry type
Automorphic Plancherel density theorem with error bounds
Random matrices
Low-lying zeros
Outline of proofs
Structure of the paper
L-groups and L-morphisms
Satake transform
Truncated unramified Hecke algebras
The case of GLd
L-morphisms and unramified Hecke algebras
Partial Satake transform
Some explicit test functions
Examples in the split case
Bounds for truncated unramified Hecke algebras
Basic setup and notation
The unramified tempered spectrum
Plancherel measure on the unramified spectrum
Automorphic L-functions
Automorphic forms
Principal L-functions
Isobaric sums
An explicit formula
Sato–Tate equidistribution
Definition of the Sato–Tate measure
Limit of the Plancherel measure versus the Sato–Tate measure
The Sato–Tate conjecture for families
Orbital integrals and constant terms
Gross’s motives
Lemmas on ramification
Stable discrete series characters
Canonical measures and Tamagawa measures
Bounds for Artin L-functions
Frobenius–Schur indicator
A uniform bound on orbital integrals
The main local result
A global consequence
The noncentral elliptic case
Lemmas in the split case
Notation and basic setup
Rational conjugacy classes intersecting a small open compact subgroup
Bounding the number of rational conjugacy classes
S1 β κ
Sauvageot’s density theorem on unitary dual
Automorphic representations and a counting measure
Families of automorphic representations
Level aspect
Weight aspect
Automorphic Plancherel density theorem
Application to the Sato–Tate conjecture for families
More general test functions at S0
10 Langlands functoriality
11 Statistics of low-lying zeros
11.1 The random matrix models
11.2 The 1-level density of low-lying zeros
11.3 Properties of families of L-functions
11.4 Occurrence of poles
11.5 Analytic conductors
11.5.1 Weight aspect
11.5.2 Level aspect
11.6 Main result
12.1 Notation
12.2 Outline
12.3 Explicit formula
12.5 Archimedean places
12.6 Moments of Satake parameters
12.7 General upper-bounds
12.8 Plancherel equidistribution
12.10 Handling remainder terms
12.11 Sum over primes
12.13 Conclusion
Notation pertaining to the Lie algebra version of the problem
Preliminary definition of Shalika germs on g
Partial homogeneity of our provisional Shalika germs i
Germ expansions about arbitrary central elements in g
Germ expansions about arbitrary semisimple elements in g
Normalized orbital integrals and Shalika germs
A.11 Locally bounded functions
A.12 Local boundedness of normalized Shalika germs
The language of rings
Presburger language
Denef-Pas language
Definable sets and constructible functions
Boundedness of constructible functions
Split reductive groups
Field extensions
General connected reductive groups
Unramified groups
Orbital integrals
Two lemmas
The measures
Proof of the main theorem
Full Text
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