
Purpose Self-determination theory proposes that the satisfaction of basic psychological needs (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) is essential to psychological well-being. This study aims to explore the acute impact of a mild traumatic brain injury on the perception of need satisfaction as well as to better understand which variables among post-concussion symptoms and mood are associated with the satisfaction of these psychological needs. Material and methods A total of 179 adults with mild traumatic brain injury were included. The Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale (BPNS) was completed retrospectively to assess need satisfaction pre-injury and after the injury to assess need satisfaction post-injury. The Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire as well as the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were also completed post injury. Results A significant difference between the perception of need satisfaction pre- and post- was found on the total BPNS score, with lower scores on the post-injury evaluation (less satisfaction). Moreover, higher levels of depression and anxiety were associated with less satisfaction. Conclusions These results suggest that sustaining a mild traumatic brain injury may have a negative impact on the satisfaction of competence, autonomy, and relatedness needs. To conclude, it is recommended that these concepts be included in psychological intervention programs following mild traumatic brain injury. Implications for rehabilitation A significant decrease in psychological need satisfaction is highlighted following mild traumatic brain injury. It is recommended that the needs of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in intervention programs following mild traumatic brain injury needs to be addressed. The more mild traumatic brain injury patients are anxious and depressed the more likely it is that they will present a diminished satisfaction of needs, expressed by a lower level of perception of their autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Thus, integrative intervention for anxiety as well as depression following mild traumatic brain injury is also recommended.

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