
Part I Models of love and satisfaction in close relationships: marital satisfaction in evolutionary psychological perspective, Shackelford, Buss attachment and relationship satisfaction across the lifespan, Koski, Shaver love and satisfaction, Hendrick a hierachical model of love and its prediction of satisfaction in close relationships, Barnes, Sternberg philosophy as a model of relationship satisfaction, Hojjat. Part II Satisfaction over the course of close relationships: a temporal view of relationship satisfaction and stability, Berscheid, Lopes marital satisfaction and spousal interaction, Feeney, Noller, Ward rethinking satisfaction in personal relationships from a dialectical perspective. Erbert, Duck. Part III Conflict and satisfaction in close relationships: angry at your partner? Think again, Christensen, Walczynski marital quality - a new theoretical perspective, Fincham, Beach, Kemp-Fincham. Part IV Psychotherapy and satisfaction in close relationships: acceptance in couple therapy and its implications for the treatment of depression, Cordova, Jacobson the the erosion of satisfaction over time and how to prevent it, Cordova, Markman, Laurenceau a schema-focused perspective on satisfaction in close relationships, Young, Gluhoski.

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