
AbstractThe existence of water on the satellites of the planets of the solar system is discussed. The Galilean satellites of Jupiter, especially Europa, are very promising candidates for hosting an ocean of salty liquid water beneath a thick ice shield. The existence of a subsurface ocean on some satellites of Saturn like Titan is also reviewed. The latest results from the Cassini mission to Saturn concerning Titan and Enceladus are shown. The host planets of these satellites provide energy in the form of tidal interactions that keep the subsurface water reservoirs liquid. These objects may be also candidates for the search for extraterrestrial life. The existence of water on the Moon, a still controversial issue, is also reviewed.KeywordsLunar SurfaceGalilean SatelliteLarge SatelliteSubsurface OceanLunar ProspectorThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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