
Using satellite telemetry, it is possible to track long-distance migrant birds with high accuracy and greater spatial coverage. However, prior to 2014, less than 1% of bird species in India had been monitored using this technology. Between January and February 2022, we deployed leg-mounted solar GPS/GSM satellite transmitters to Common Cranes and Demoiselle Cranes (two each) to study home ranges, movement, migration patterns, and habitat use. We used 95% kernels to define the total home range size and 50% kernels to delimit the core areas. The winter habitat use was assessed using Generalized Linear Models (GLM). The average home range of Common Cranes and Demoiselle Cranes was estimated as 161.22 ± 172.08 km2 and 971.40 ± 1023.57 km2, respectively. During migration, Common Crane-1 and Common Crane-2 traveled an average of 471.19 ± 442.42 and 176.97 ± 24.82 km per day, and Demoiselle Crane-1 and Demoiselle Crane-2 covered an average daily distance of 168.10 ± 203.77 and 192.97 ± 250.72 km, respectively. Water bodies and croplands were the most important habitat variables influencing crane presence positively. In recent years, the share of food grain crops within the study area has declined from 43% in 1994–1995 to 36% in 2014–2015, while the share of cotton crops has doubled from 11% to 20%, indicating a probable cause of concern in the near future.

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