
The link between the African Monsoon systems and aerosol loading in Africa is studied using multi-year satellite observations of UV-absorbing aerosols and rain gauge measurements. The main aerosol types occurring over Africa are desert dust and biomass burning aerosols, which are UV-absorbing. The abundance of these aerosols over Africa is characterised in this paper using residues and Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) data from Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) on board ERS-2 and SCanning Imaging Absorption SpectroMeter for Atmospheric ChartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) on board Envisat. Time series of regionally averaged residues from 1995 to 2008 show the seasonal variations of aerosols in Africa. Zonally averaged daily residues over Africa are related to monthly mean precipitation data and show monsoon-controlled atmospheric aerosol loadings. A distinction is made between the West African Monsoon (WAM) and the East African Monsoon (EAM), which have different dynamics, mainly due to the asymmetric distribution of land masses around the equator in the west. The seasonal variation of the aerosol distribution is clearly linked to the seasonal cycle of the monsoonal wet and dry periods in both studied areas. The residue distribution over Africa shows two distinct modes, one associated with dry periods and one with wet periods. During dry periods the residue varies freely, due to aerosol emissions from deserts and biomass burning events. During wet periods the residue depends linearly on the amount of precipitation, due to scavenging of aerosols and the prevention of aerosol emissions from the wet surface. This is most clear over east Africa, where the sources and sinks of atmospheric aerosols are controlled directly by the local climate, i.e. monsoonal precipitation. Here, the wet mode has a mean residue of −1.4 and the dry mode has a mean residue of −0.3. During the wet modes a reduction of one residue unit for every 160 mm monthly averaged precipitation was found. Shielding effects due to cloud cover may also play a role in the reduction of the residue during wet periods. A possible influence of aerosols on the monsoon, via aerosol direct and indirect effects, is plausible, but cannot directly be deduced from these data.

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