
With the standard near-infrared (NIR) atmospheric correction algorithm for ocean color data processing, a high chlorophyll- a concentration patch was consistently observed from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Aqua platform in the middle of the Yellow Sea during the spring (end of March to early May). This prominent patch was not observed in the historical ocean color satellite imageries in late 1970s to early 1980s, and a location corresponding to this patch has been used as a Korean dump site since 1988. At the same time, MODIS chlorophyll- a concentrations derived using the shortwave infrared (SWIR) atmospheric correction algorithm developed for the ocean color satellite data in turbid coastal or high-productive ocean waters were significantly reduced. Comparison between in situ and MODIS chlorophyll- a measurements shows that the chlorophyll- a from the MODIS-Aqua products using the standard-NIR atmospheric correction algorithm is significantly overestimated. The images of the MODIS-derived normalized water-leaving radiance spectra and water diffuse attenuation coefficient data using the NIR-SWIR-based atmospheric correction approach show that absorption and scattering by organic and inorganic matter dumped in the Korean dump site have strongly influenced the satellite-derived chlorophyll- a data. Therefore, the biased high chlorophyll- a patch in the region is in fact an overestimation of chlorophyll- a values due to large errors from the standard-NIR atmospheric correction algorithm. Using the NIR-SWIR algorithm for MODIS-Aqua ocean color data processing, ocean color products from 2002 to 2008 for the Korean dump site region have been generated and used for characterizing the ocean optical and biological properties. Results show that there have been some important changes in the seasonal and interannual variations of phytoplankton biomass and other water optical and biological properties induced by colored dissolved organic matters, as well as suspended sediments.

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