
Abstract A system for time-continuous mesoscale weather analysis is applied to a study of convective cloud development in central Florida. The analysis system incorporates water vapor concentrations and surface temperatures retrieved from infrared VISSR (Visible–Infrared Spin Scan Radiometer) Atmospheric Sounder (VAS) satellite data, with coupling between the retrieval process and time integration of a mesoscale model. Analyses prepared with variations of this coupled system are compared with a control numerical analysis prepared with only conventional meteorological observations and are validated against surface and upper-air data collected for the Convection and Precipitation/Electrification experiment. The coupled analyses assimilate six sets of VAS data over an 8-h period on 19 July 1991 and depict water vapor gradients at far greater horizontal resolution than is available from conventional observations and with an overall accuracy better than the control analysis. The coupled system's ability to ass...

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