
Pakistan is basically an agricultural country, agriculture is considered the back bone of the country. It helps country in earning foreign exchange, about 90% of output comes from agriculture, supports in employment and economy by exporting food grains. Luckly Pakistan has worlds third giant irrigation system, it comprises best storage infra-structure, controlling system of barrages, regulators, conveyance system of canals and an efficient drainage system both horizontal and vertical. Indus river basin irrigation system has three major reservoirs, sixteen barrages, two head works, two siphons across major rivers, 12 inter river link canals and 44 irrigation canals. Average gradient was observed from sea level as flat with rate of 12.5 cm/km (eight inches/mile), Indus provides irrigation system to major portion of Sindh almost 41 percent. The total Gross Commanded area of Sindh and Baluchistan which depends on Indus is 5.92 Mha whereas, the only Cultivable command Area is 5.43 Mha. The major crops grown in Sindh are rice in Kharif and wheat in Rabi. Besides this, Sindh also produces horticultural crops such as: mangoes, bananas, dates and chilies. Sindh has also diversion capacity of 111 billion cubic meter (BCM) which is equivalent to 90 million Acre Feet (MAF). It was found in the research that excess of silt in Right Bank Canal is more to reduce the velocity of water. Satellite image based model shows negligible velocity to Right Pocket at Sukkur Barrage. 60% less cultivation in 2018 at SaifullahMagsi Branch Division at border of Sindh-Balochistan.


  • Aim of this research paper is to highlight the problem related to Right Bank Region of Sukkur barrage Pakistan and its habitants specially end users

  • This research is to know the main problem of water shortage in right side of sukkur barrage and to solve the problem by generating model through computer

  • Dripline flushing is a maintanance procedure that is recommended for all micro irrigation systems

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Aim and Object of Research

Aim of this research paper is to highlight the problem related to Right Bank Region of Sukkur barrage Pakistan and its habitants specially end users. This research is to know the main problem of water shortage in right side of sukkur barrage and to solve the problem by generating model through computer

Waterability of the Indus Basin Irrigation System
Steps for Model Generation in Computer Based Program
Silt Deposition
Renard Equation
Sukkur Barrage
Problem Statement
Impact on End Users
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