
BACKGROUND: Eruptive xanthomas are rare, asymptomatic, cutaneous lesions and are markers for serious underlying metabolic disorders that demand an early diagnosis to prevent morbidity and mortality. Clinical Case: A 27 years old obese female presented with generalized, pruritic eruptions. The eruptions had been present for approximately three weeks. Crops of firm yellow-red circumscribed Papules (diameter 1–3 mm) distributed on the extensor surfaces of both the upper and the lower extremities which were few in numbers to begin with but increased in density subsequently spreading to involve her back, abdomen, knees, and posterior thighs. The patient besides being obese had no other significant past medical or family history. Labs: FBS:258 mg/dl (80-100mg/dl), HbA1c:11.7%(<5.6%), Total lipids: 3680 mg/dl (400–1000 mg/dl), Total Cholesterol: 857 mg/dl (120–200 mg/dl), Triglycerides: 5428 mg/dl (70–150 mg/dl), HDL:15mg/dl (45–64 mg/dl), LDL: 371 mg/l(<130 mg/dl),VLDL: 402 mg/dl (<30 md/dl). Results of kidney, liver and thyroid function tests were normal, as well as amylase and lipase. X-ray chest and abdominal ultrasound were unremarkable. Biopsy of the papules was not carried out due to non-affordability on the part of the patient. The patient was managed by an interdisciplinary approach for diabetes mellitus type 2 and hyperlipidaemia. Treatment was started with oral hypoglycaemic along with lipid lowering agents and the required lifestyle modifications including weight control, adopting a low-fat diet, and regular exercise were advised. The papules resolved within six weeks of the treatment and lab reports indicated improvement in her glycemic control and hypertriglyceridemia. It was clinically diagnosed as Eruptive Xanthomas of secondary hypertriglyceridemia due to diabetes mellitus.CONCLUSION:Recognizing eruptive xanthomas and being aware of its association with hypertriglyceridemia and diabetes mellitus can help to decrease any lag between a patient being seen by a physician and treatment for a serious medical conditions such as coronary artery disease and pancreatitis. REFRENCES: Digby M; Belli R; McGraw T; Lee A (2011). “Eruptive xanthomas as a cutaneous manifestation of hypertriglyceridemia: a case report”. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 4: 44–6. PMC 3030216Freely accessible. PMID 21278899.

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