
This study deals with the history of the Sassanids and their effects in Iraqi Kurdistan, specifically the area between the Tigris and Little Zab rivers. By virtue of this important strategic location, the great powers competed to control it, and the effects left by the Sasanian civilization are no less important than the remnants of ancient civilizations such as the Sumerian and Akkadian, as well as the Assyrian, and it is only clear evidence of the extent of their spread and power in the region, and we find the influence of the Sasanian civilization on all aspects of life. Their inventions were less advanced than their predecessors. In this research, we will shed light on the most important Sasanian monuments that were revealed by the excavators’ shovels and recorded, through which we can form a clear idea of the extent of their influence and influence on the area between the Tigris and the Little Zab rivers.

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