
Saskatoon berry (SKB) may have the potential to counter reno-cardiac syndrome owing to its antioxidant capacity. Here, we investigated the renal and cardiovascular effects of SKB-enriched diet in a rat model of reno-cardiac disease. Two groups of wild-type rats (+/+) and two groups of Hannover Sprague-Dawley (Han:SPRD-Cy/+) rats were given either regular diet or SKB diet (10% w/w total diet) for 8weeks. Body weight, kidney weight, kidney water content, and left ventricle (LV) weight were measured. Blood pressure (BP) was measured by the tail-cuff method. Echocardiography was performed to assess cardiac structure and function. Serum creatinine and malondialdehyde (MDA) were also measured. Han:SPRD-Cy/+ rats had significantly higher kidney weight, kidney water content, LV weight, BP, and creatinine compared with wild-type rats (+/+). The SKB diet supplementation did not reduce kidney weight, kidney water content, BP, and LV weight in Han:SPRD-Cy/+ rats. The SKB diet also resulted in higher systolic BP in Han:SPRD-Cy/+rats. Han:SPRD-Cy/+rats showed cardiac structural remodeling (higher LV wall thickness) without any cardiac functional abnormalities. Han:SPRD-Cy/+ rats also had significantly higher creatinine whereas the concentration of MDA was not different. The SKB diet supplementation reduced cardiac remodeling and the concentration of MDA without altering the concentration of creatinine in Han:SPRD-Cy/+ rats. In conclusion, Han:SPRD-Cy/+ rats developed significant renal disease, high BP, and cardiac remodeling by 8weeks without cardiac functional impairment. The SKB diet may be useful in preventing cardiac remodeling and oxidative stress in Han:SPRD-Cy/+rats. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Saskatoon berry (SKB) is widely consumed as fresh fruit or processed fruit items and has significant commercial value. It may offer health benefits due to the presence of bioactives such as anthocyanins. SKB has very good culinary flavors, and it is an economically viable fruit crop in many parts of the world. The disease-modifying benefits of SKB are mainly ascribed to the antioxidant nature of its bioactive content. Polycystic kidney disease is a serious condition that can lead to renal and cardiac abnormalities. Here, we showed that SKB supplementation was able to mitigate cardiac remodeling and lower the level of a marker of oxidative stress in an animal model of reno-cardiac syndrome. Our study suggests that SKB possesses beneficial cardioprotective properties. Further evidence from human studies may help in increasing the consumption of SKB as a functional food.

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