
Abstract The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 is an emerging disease that spread rapidly worldwide. Remote and offshore operations appeared particularly at risk for various reasons. Medical teams were not prepared for the management of outbreaks. The density of population made close contact transmission possible. Remoteness resulted in misinterpreted information, weak and delayed adapted support, and improbable medical evacuation. As a result, companies immediately set travel policies and screening procedures to decrease the probability of having someone on site presenting early signs of SARS. In cooperation with site management, alert level policies were implemented to plan responses adapted to pre-defined thresholds of risk. Information and training focused on prompt detection and isolation of cases, strict infection control in medical facilities, and the tracing and quarantine of contacts. Specific SARS management kits were elaborated to address the treatment of suspect cases, the organisation of isolation and the protection of medical teams. Medical evacuation of cases became a challenge due to medical transportation issues, operational limitations and international administrative constraints. Information dissemination services and email alerts were set up via a SARS dedicated web site in order to provide compiled data and operational information to medical directors. This paper will review the experiences of companies tackling the SARS outbreak in remote settings. In the absence of a vaccine, robust diagnostic tests and specific treatment, this medical issue appeared initially to have no medical, but only operational answers. Options chosen in terms of staff management, treatment abilities and evacuation capacities will be discussed. In conclusion, the importance of appropriate communication and accurate information will be analysed to help corporations make appropriate decisions in such challenging circumstances.

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