
Introduction: COVID-19 infection is diagnosed by RT-PCR. In this test results interpreted according to the cycle threshold (Ct) values, provide indirect measurements of viral load. In this study we aimed to the evalaute the relationship between Ct values and demographics and sypmtoms of patients. Material and Methods: The nasopharyngeal swab of the patients suspected with COVID-19 were collected and tested by RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2. Demographics, medical history, timelines for exposure and symptoms of the patients diagnosed as COVID-19 by RT-PCRwere obtained from the hospital information system. Results: Total of 619 patient result was enrolled in the study. Ct values were determined as 24.74 (20.95-27.64) for 18> years-old and 22.85 (20.14-26.22) ≥18 years-old, there was no statistically difference according to the age among Ct values. Hypertension was the most common comorbid disease (13.3%) among COVID-19 patients. A positive correlation was detected among the onset of the symptoms and Ct values, Ct values were lowest (corresponding to a higher viral RNA concentration) soon after symptom onset. Patients who had fever, headache, muscle-joint pain significantly had lower Ct values were than patients who did not have these sypmtoms. Conclusion: It is important to early testing for SARS-CoV-2 among persons who have respiratory symptoms, and isolation of them when their viral load and transmission rate is higher.

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