
The SARS-Cov-2 virus was firstly identified in Wuhan, China and caused catastrophic destruction all over the world. COVID-19 virus primarily effects lungs of its hosts and impairs it in number of ways. It can also damage multiple organs like Heart, kidney, endocrine glands, skin, brain and several others. Kidneys are also damaged to a great extent. In Heart it can cause acute coronary syndrome, Heart failure, Myocardial infarction. SARS-CoV-2 effect brain especially psychologically. It also causes serious lymphocyte apoptosis. It also neutralizes human spleen and lymph nodes. SARS-CoC-2 can be harmful for those having already liver diseases. Similarly, SARS-CoV-2 has a direct impact on endocrine glands. It is responsible for the various injurious changes in hormones, causes various diseases like acute pancreatitis, decrease in GH, hypoparathyroidism etc. and lead to cause tissues damage in glands. It also some minor effects on nose, and respiratory pathways. It also has some minor effects on eyes and ears whereas it causes several devastations in GIT.

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