
Sarcocystis buffalonis n. sp. is proposed for a species forming thick-walled, macroscopic sarcocysts in skeletal muscles and the esophagus of the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Sarcocysts of S. buffalonis were found in 68 (10.5%) of 647 buffalo carcasses examined grossly at slaughter in Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam. Sarcocystis buffalonis sarcocysts were 1-8 mm long and 0.1-0.5 mm wide. The cyst wall was 3-7.7 microns thick and had palisadelike villar protrusions that were constricted at the base, expanded laterally in the mid-region, and tapered distally. The villar protrusions contained microfilaments and electron-dense granules. Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis fusiformis, the other well-known macroscopic species occurring in water buffalo, were also found in 60 of the 68 animals infected with S. buffalonis. Sarcocysts of S. fusiformis were thin walled and had characteristic cauliflowerlike villar protrusions. Two of 7 cats fed isolated S. buffalonis sarcocysts were found to have 12 x 8 microns sporocysts in their intestine or feces 10 days after inoculation.

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