
Saquinavir is a peptide derivative which inhibits the HIV protease enzyme, preventing post-translational processing of viral polyproteins. It was the first agent of its class to become available for the treatment of HIV infection. Well controlled studies have assessed the effects of saquinavir, when used alone or in combination with reverse transcriptase inhibitors, in patients with advanced HIV infection. Analysis of CD4+ cell counts and measures of viral load in the ACTG 229 study suggest that triple therapy with saquinavir, zidovudine and zalcitabine is more effective than double therapy with saquinavir plus zidovudine or zidovudine plus zalcitabine in patients who have previously received long term treatment with zidovudine. Similar assessments from a small study in previously untreated patients suggest that double therapy with saquinavir plus zidovudine is more effective than monotherapy with either agent. Combination therapy with saquinavir and zalcitabine significantly reduced the time to the first AIDS-defining event or death, and the time to death, compared with zalcitabine alone, according to data from a large, long term study (NV 14256) in patients with advanced HIV infection who had previously received zidovudine. Saquinavir is generally well tolerated, either as monotherapy or in combination with reverse transcriptase inhibitors; no change in tolerability profile was reported when saquinavir was added to treatment with nucleoside analogues. In vitro and clinical studies have documented the emergence of saquinavir-resistant HIV strains. Although the possible impact of resistance on the clinical efficacy of saquinavir has yet to be fully characterised, genotypic and phenotypic resistance appear to develop slowly during treatment with saquinavir, and the drug does not appear to have a significant effect on the incidence of mutations associated with cross-resistance to other protease inhibitors. Thus, laboratory and clinical results suggest that saquinavir in combination with reverse transcriptase inhibitors is effective in the treatment of advanced HIV infection. Initial data on the effects of saquinavir on disease progression and mortality are promising, and the apparent absence of mutations conferring cross-resistance to other protease inhibitors is a potentially valuable clinical feature. Additional data on disease progression, mortality and viral resistance, together with information on relative efficacy (in comparison with other protease inhibitors), will need to be assessed before the clinical value of saquinavir can be fully determined. Nevertheless, saquinavir represents a valuable new pharmacological option for the treatment of HIV infection and is likely to be a useful component of combined therapy with reverse transcriptase inhibitors and/or other protease inhibitors.

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